About us

Nothing but the best for your most precious

A stroller designed and hand built by Hartan is something very special indeed. Down to the very last detail a Hartan stroller will always meet the highest of everyday parenting demands. Additionally all of Hartan's products are free from hazardous substances, ensuring total safety for all. Our strollers not only offer unbeatable quality but also ensure outstanding comfort for both you and your little one. Hartan have been at the forefront in designing quality strollers for over four generations and it is a heritage you can rely on.

Hartan is a family-run company. We design, develop and manufacture our pushchairs in Germany. By most modern manufacturing technologies and certificated quality assurance we just produce items of which we are a hundered percent convinced.

Each pushchair by Hartan combines the experience and the expertise of every single employee. In particular this includes groundbreaking technologies, practical features and excellent designs to every taste. From the first day of life your baby will feel secure and content in a pushchair by Hartan.

Expertise based on experience

The beginnings of the company Hartan go back to the year 1892 when Hartan began producing wickerwork. In 1920 the range was extended to include wicker furniture. Since 1950 Hartan is producing pushchairs. Right from the beginning quality and technology dominated the market. Ever since Hartan is continously investing in the modernization of technology, expansion of production and sales department and in the further development of the products.

Safe when on the road

High quality standards, freedom from hazardous substances and high safety standards don´t come up automatically. Hartan monitors and checks the whole production seamlessly, steadily and to the last detail.

All models are put through an endurance test by using speacial test facilities. Every single material being used for our products has to pass extensive test procedures. The work at our manufacturing facility in Germany is checked regularly by independent experts of the "TÜV Thüringen".

All of this together ensures highest production quality and ultimate security.

  • Kinderwagen TÜV-geprüft


  • Made in Germany

  • Brand of the century

  • Highest customer satisfaction in 2022

  • Pollutant-free

  • UV-protect 50+

  • Sustainability